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Our Mission

Our Mission

Whole Hive Honey®

Whole Hive Honey Company, LLC is committed to offering its customers a
variety of delicious small-batch honey selections, while promoting the growth of honey bees in an effort to help support a better tomorrow for us all.  As a family owned and operated business, and as beekeepers ourselves, we both produce and source honey from our expanded network of apiary partners. Our trademarked logo represents the global importance honey bees have on the world’s food supply, and the wonderful varieties of honey produced by honey bees around the world that Whole Hive Honey Company® wants to

share with you.

Our Story

Our Story

Whole Hive Honey Company® began as a fun environmentally-focused hobby that its founders, Chris and Kaley Conner, could experience together. After taking a beginning beekeeper’s class at Appalachian State University, they quickly set out to boost the output of their family vegetable garden; and to share with others how important pollinators are to our environment. All while providing some sweet, healthy honey goodness for family and friends to enjoy.

Chris and Kaley quickly developed a passion for educating others about the importance the honey bee plays in our food supply chain. With an increased demand in their home-based honey product line, they made the decision to launch a small, family-owned and operated business to service their local markets. From the beginning, Whole Hive Honey’s primary goal has been to educate people on the benefits the honey bee and its honey have on all our lives and to offer its customers only the highest quality small-batch honey products available in the market today.

We hope you taste a little bit of love and sweetness in every Whole Hive
Honey ® product you try. Enjoy!


May 1989

Proud to be a Veteran and

Woman-Owned small business

Our Team

Our Team

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Chris Conner

Founder- Head Honeyologist

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Barrett Conner

Operations Manager

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Tucker Conner

Our Mascot


Kaley Conner

Founder- Queen Bee


Bailey Mcknight

Bottling Technician

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